A comic featuring a barbarian fighting a giant mole monster then throwing his sword at the sorcerer, after that the moleonster attacks the sorcerer, and the barbarain recovers the orb, which is returned to a nobel. The barbarian is then seen passed out on a table with drool pooling by his mouth and a  copy of the royal game of ur, and his sword on the table too.

Here is the exciting conclusion to the Barbarian vs. Sorcerer duel. I made the magically mutated be a giant star nosed mole, because I always thought they look a little creepy, and if they weren't such tiny things they would be terrifying.

In other news I'm going up to the Finger Lakes for a little vacation next week so there will be no new comic next week, but don't panic I'll be back the week after that with the "Time Traveler vs. Tyrannosaurus Rex".